Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It Is Great To Be An American

I am so happy that this election is almost over, then perhaps everyone can move on and we can begin to look forward to a brighter tomorrow. The one thing I think we can all agree on is that as Americans we have a wonderful opportunity for our voices to be heard and to make our desires known. That by voting for a canidate we can help to shape the future not only for ourselves but for our children and grandchildren. This alone is a humbling thought.

Must of us will go home tonight to watch election results. No matter who wins another group of equally concerned Americans will be disappointed. It is my hope that while very few of us are actually able to make policy whether at the national, state or local level that we all endeavour to make our part of American just a little kinder. It takes no real extra time to get to know your neighbors and to be willing to lend a helping hand when needed. Attend your church, mosque or synagogue and make yourself available to opportunities to be "helping hands" in your community. Mentor a young person and make them believe that they can be anything they want to be. Love your family and make sure that they know that you love them. Take time everyday to reflect on your significant other and be thankful for that person.

Today may be a great day to be an American but tomorrow can be a great day for America.