Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Things to Be Thankful For

It is so true that when you think your life is the pitts you don't have to look very hard to find someone else who is living through a much more trying ordeal. A young family from our Church has a three year-old son who has leukemia, to learn more about Elijah and his family's incredible strength and faith in the face of some real adversity feel free to read his blog at http://www.elijahhancock.blogspot.com/. It makes me so thankful for healthy grandchildren and children. I can hardly imagine how incredibly difficult it must be to have a small child going through this. I was incredibly upset when Son #3 had to have the emergency craniotomy to remove the subdural hematoma in October. Even though he is 27, my first inclination was to hop a plane and go to North Carolina to be with him. One of the hardest things to do was to respect his wishes and not do so and just wait to see him till he was able to travel home. Please remember Elijah in your prayers and I have an incredibly strong testimony of what the power of prayer can do.

Not much else is new, we are trying to make it through this cold snap which has included the water line to the dishwasher being frozen (can I just tell you how much I hate washing dishes by hand) and the furnance seeming to run non-stop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elijah is in my prayers! So are you and your family. You had more than your fair share last year! Hope you see you some time soon - I would say stop up to Dahl's but I have not been there either. You have to love Iowa winters. Great photos. Son #3 scar is incredible - how scary.