Sunday, January 6, 2008

Do You Hear What I Hear

Absolutely nothing . . . the last of the children left on Friday. Grandpa and I are enjoying peace and quiet. Don't get me wrong we had a wonderful time having the kids and their kids around for the holidays, but let's face facts, Grandpa and Grandma aren't terribly exciting and have gotten to the point that we really do enjoy the quiet of just the two of us. Grandpa spends a lot of time on the computer posting to political blogs and attempting to interest me in ones he finds interesting (one would thing after being married about a million years he would know that I don't like to be read ALOUD to) and playing WoW. I can usually be found knitting, reading or messing around on my computer. How we would ever exist with only one computer is beyond me, we have dueling computers with in the computer room.

I have been busy trying to map out a knitting strategy for the new year. I am going to try to accomplish at least one pair of socks a month this year (my goal last year and I woefully missed the mark) and am also going to get busy on some serious lace knitting. The first couple of months of this years I need to get busy doing baby knitting as we will be welcoming a new grandson in March. I am busy scoping out patterns and suitable yarns.

I think it time for a cup of tea and some more knitting!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Yoohoo! How are you??