Friday, February 2, 2007

It's Cold Outside

Windchill: -14 °F / -25 °C

It is incredibly cold outside here as you can see from the latest temperature reading, on the bright side it is at least sunny! I hate to combine cold with gray skies. Today isn't even supposed to be the coldest day, tomorrow is supposed to be colder.

I braved the elements yesterday morning and went to the libray and stocked up on some mystery/romance novels for this cold spell. I do not intend to go out unless I absolutely have to. After warming up the car for fifteen minutes this morning it was still chilly in the car when I went to take Rach to school. I figure I am good to go, I have books and my knitting and as an added bonus there is figure skating on television this weekend. It really doesn't get much better than that.

I have been somewhat distracted from knitting for the past week or so. I have been reading lots and playing World of Warcraft. I am extremely proud that I have managed to level my character without any help from anyone to a level fourteen. I had forgotten how addictive this game can be, it really sucks you into it.

This morning I am busy doing wash and I have some bananas that are crying to be made into banana bread.

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